The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships

April 08, 2021

“We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships!” The Lovesnobs (Aziz & Jerri) never make any statements without explaining. This Podcast will provide that explanation. Take a step back. How many people do we see justifying why they lie or are being lied to or avoiding relationships altogether because people lie? Too many! 

We decided to discuss this topic because it’s time to repair our expectations. People do lie, but the person you are starting relationships with has not lied to you. We shouldn’t enter any connections creating the standard so low. Yes, high expectations mean the fall is more significant. Yet, we must believe we deserve the best. 

The LoveSnobs always start at the top and work never to fall. We encourage everyone to join us. Accountable Relationships are all about peaks and spending a lifetime preventing the valleys. In this podcast, The LoveSnobs will answer four questions. 

  • Why Do We Expect Lies
  • Why Do We Accept Lies
  • Is Lying to Tool and our Intentions The Problem
  • How Can We Have More Honest Relationships

Answering these four questions will help people be more mindful while encouraging our listens to be a part of genuine relationships. 

So, enjoy the podcast, “We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships!” Listen, Learn, and Apply

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By The LoveSnobs

We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships