The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

What Are Accountable Relationships?

April 01, 2021

What are Accountable Relationships? The LoveSnobs dedicated an entire podcast to explain what it means to be in accountable relationships. We enter relationships for stability. The change we want in our relationships is a lack of change. We like friends and spouses who are dependable. People we can close our eyes around and believe will put our connection in the best place to succeed. Accountable Relationships provide that certainty. How can we go wrong when we have people who are in their relationships to give their best? 

In this podcast, The LoveSnobs examine five aspects of being in Accountable relationships.  
  • Define Your Core: The LoveSnobs ask people to identify at least four core values they will never change regardless of the company they keep.  
  • Meet people Who share Your Core Values: Once you identify your four core values. Meet people who share those core values to build the foundations of your relationships.
  • Do you have Common Goals: Discuss whether you have a common destination. We understand we may disagree on how to get there but are we trying to settle down in the same place. 
  •  Establish a Commitment: Once you define your core values, meet people who share those core values, and Discuss common goals. It is time to build the commitment. Establish a life plan together. Define what it means to be your friend or spouse. Plan for the future and start creating the future everyone agreed to develop.
  • Start Building the Life yall Agreed to Build: As mentioned in the previous bulletin point, start building toward the agreed-upon destination. Establish roles, organize the plan, and start acting on making it a reality. 

Remember being in Accountable Relationships is surround by purpose. Purpose gives our lives meaning and allows us to be a part of something greater than ourselves. So, What Are Accountable Relationships? Listen to this podcast, and it will answer that question. 

Join The Discussion. Listen, Learn, and Apply!

by The LoveSnobs

What Are Accountable Relationships