The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Identifying Who Has A Superiority Complex In Our Relationships

March 25, 2021

” Identifying who has a superiority complex in our relationships.”  In this podcast, The LoveSnobs explains, “What it means to have a Superiority Complex in our relationships?” We illustrate why it is crucial to it as a problem. As well as determine if you, your spouse, or friends suffer from this infliction. We give examples from our lives, movies, life, etc. Each example will provide our listeners further clarity on the topic. As a result, they will start reflecting on themselves as well as their relationships.

One example, The LoveSnobs reference is the movie “Something Borrowed.” We illustrate how movies paint the antagonist as the outgoing, go-getter who gets what they want—in contrast, painting the protagonist as the silent, introverted pushover who hopes to have the courage to go after what they want in life. We ask our listeners/viewers, Who indeed has a Superiority Complex?

The other points, The LoveSnobs, discuss are:

  • The damaging effect of a superiority complex on our relationships
  • Why it’s essential to lead with principle over emotions
  • how not walking away is one of the biggest problems
  • and more

So enjoy the podcast “Identifying who has a superiority complex in our relationships.” and Listen, Learn, and Apply.

By The LoveSnobs

Identifying Who Has A Superiority Complex