The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Jessica Joins The LoveSnobs

August 27, 2020

Jessica Joins The LoveSnobs to define AccountableLove for herself. She discusses “Being the Adult in the Room,” her difficulty raising a child with Special Needs, building Accountable Relationships around her, and more. Jessica informs the listeners about how different it is to connect with people when her child requires much attention. Stating she must advocate for her son with doctors, friends, and potential partners. Yet, this doesn’t stop! Jessica continues searching for accountable relationships. She states, She is like everyone else; She wants meaningful relationships. Jessica Joins The LoveSnobs wants our listeners to know, having a child with special needs is one aspect of her life. She is more than a parent of a child with Special Needs. Jessica is a person who needs special people to support her. She needs more adults in the room 

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The LoveSnobs are two friends that were tired of people saying they wanted accountable relationships but lacked a road map to acquire them. So, The AccountableLove Podcast does just that. It gives people a road map by defining terms, discussing building strong principles, and inviting everyday people to discuss building Accountable Relationships. The LoveSnobs believe Love Is A Group Journey, so let’s start your journey toward healthier, supportive, Loving Relationships.

Jessica Joins The LoveSnobs