The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Drastic Measures Join The LoveSnobs

August 13, 2020

Drastic Measures Join The LoveSnobs in a discussion about Accountable Relationships and being the adult in the room. The LoveSnobs ask him to define what it means to be the adult in the room. He states, “having responsibility for leadership.” He acknowledged that things could go left in relationships. We always need a person to refocus the friendship or partnership in the right direction.  They also touch on faith, trust issues, the meaning of Love, and building a healthy village during the podcast. Drastic Measure explains his struggle to build a relationship with Jesus. He expresses how his relationship with Jesus is the most significant today. Drastic Measure and The LoveSnobs discussed so much that table salt vs. Hawaiian salt was even a discussion topic. See how it is all relevant by listening to “Drastic Measure Join The LoveSnobs” from beginning to end.

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The LoveSnobs are two friends that were tired of people saying they wanted accountable relationships but lacked a road map to acquire them. So, The AccountableLove Podcast does just that. It gives people a road map by defining terms, discussing building strong principles, and invites everyday people to discuss building Accountable Relationships. The LoveSnobs believe Love Is A Group Journey, so let’s start your journey toward healthier, supportive, Loving Relationships.

Drastic Measures Join The LoveSnobs