ACC Nation

ACC Nation

Virginia Tech '22 | Relentless Hurry Up And Wait

August 08, 2022

You can hear it from the backseat as you suffer through a relentless hurry up and wait routine on a trip. Are we there yet? Virginia Tech football fans are no more fond of repeating that question over and over again then they are hearing it sitting behind the wheel. Nonetheless, there it is. Now, Brent Pry is the dad who must partially zone out as he steers the Hokies back to success.

Our special guest, Andy Bitter of The Athletic has a few years under his belt covering the Hokies and understands the pain, suffering and indignation of the fans. He shares some important observations about the coaching staff and players that can start leading to success.

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Virginia Tech

Bitter provides a breakdown of the offense and defense with Will then looks at the schedule with Jim. No crystal ball action here just down to earth realistic observations.

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