ACC Nation

ACC Nation

Inspiring | 5 Minutes With…Jon And Renee Laaser

July 14, 2022

In this bonus segment of 5 Minutes With…our special guests are Jon and Renee Laaser, the co-founders of Laaser’s Ladybug Society. The organization aids in mental health education plus treatment and holds a variety of sporting events in central and eastern Virginia with plans to expand.

Mental health issues have seen an uptick as people have become isolated due to the pandemic and also because of economic struggles. The most disconcerting rise comes via suicide among youth. The answer comes first with awareness, acceptance and open discussion. In the past, mental health issues were often swept under the rug or ignore because there were no easy answers. The Laaser’s hope their message will be inspiring and open doors.

The answers may not be any easier but as more and more high-profile individuals discuss their challenges, individuals who deal with issues no longer feel alone.

Discover More At Laaser’s Ladybug Society


Jon and Renee Laaser share their individual journeys that led them to create this non-profit organization. They share personal details of their challenges and the things that have and do help them move forward.

5 Minutes With…Content Is Available Exclusively Via Podcast And Streaming Radio

Be sure to volunteer, ask questions or participate in their multiple sporting events that help bring people together and inspiring them to search for answers. Connect with them on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.