ACC Nation

ACC Nation

Ted Talk. Don’t Blame The Media – ACC Nation Podcast

November 08, 2021

ACC Nation Staff @accnation -

Welcome to our Ted (TED) Talk regarding high-profile coaches at the college level blaming 'things' on the media. Our recommendation? In short, don't do it because it will come back to bite you in the arse. Now, as a matter of habit we tend to steer clear of what is usually an outburst of frustration on the part of a coach or coaches. No one's perfect. It happens. In this case one Geoff Collins crossed what we felt was a red line. The two journalists on the receiving end of his scorn are big boys who can take care of themselves but we thought we'd add this. And please not, there's no 'and with all due respect' attached. Coach. Shut the hell up. Focus on what the issue at hand is and roll with it. As mother's everywhere used to say, 'you attract more bees with honey' or some such sage advice when we got into a conflict with peers. Our advice comes free and without strings attached so use it liberally.

Yeah, so no one said we had to be the nice guys all the time either. We're more than willing to give players, coaches, fans and administrators the benefit of the doubt. It also applies to fellow members of the media and blogosphere. That benefit is applied frequently not because we're catering to anyone. No, it's as mentioned above, none of us are perfect. But, like anyone we also have only so much to give on being patient. You try ours, we try yours. There's some give and take here.

Ted Talk

On the Weekend Wrap we take a look at ACC sports news, the Top 25 'Oopsies' (why are there so many?), ACC+1 football and the upcoming men's basketball season starting Tuesday. There's lots on the plate. Dig in and prepare yourself for Thanksgiving.


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