ACC Nation

ACC Nation

Andrew Jones North Carolina MBB – ACC Nation Podcast

March 01, 2021

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Special guest Andrew Jones, Publisher of Tar Heel Illustrated joins us on ACC Nation Podcast to discuss men's basketball, some football and tips on how food can serve you best when on the road. Will Ojanen and Jim Quist delve into North Carolina sports with Andrew Jones.

We start with examining the "strange" loss to Marquette and the win over Florida State. The ups and downs of Tar Heels basketball. What's going on? It all begins with Louisville.

There's a theme that you'll want to pay attention to in this episode. Jones points to the freshmen frequently and the big picture. Keep this in mind when discussing next season.

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* The Buzz in the building* A look at Walker Kessler* Increments of growth* Kerwin Walton is delivering - The outside threat* Reversal of Fortune at the line

Andrew Jones Tar Heels Basketball

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* Roy Williams' frustrations and how he's dealing with it* "The Cloud" - An important factor for the program* Key? Consistency* Next Step?* Glass half full, half empty

ACC Basketball

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* Looking at the '21 season and beyond* What types of personnel will be essential to win?* Defense - It starts with the coordinator* Battling for the Coastal* A team that we'll check in with this fall. Maybe not their coach

Food Stop

* The seasoned press guy with hints on maximum performance* Favorite restaurant? Primanti Brothers Pittsburgh* Peanut Butter Pita (Extra Crunchy) Good luck finding it in a tube!* Alas......Pizza (Pineapple or no pineapple?)* You don't want to miss the end