ACC Nation

ACC Nation

Grayson Smith And Youth Sports – ACC Nation Podcast

May 18, 2020

The Pandemic is impacting more than professional and college sports. We take a look at how COVID-19 is upsetting the apple cart in youth sports. Our special guest, Grayson Smith, is a multi-sport athlete moving from middle into high school. How has being limited in his interaction with others changed the way he looks at sports? Plus, Will and Jim talk about the departure of Martin Jarmond from Boston College, the what-if's of delayed sports seasons and toss in their thoughts on players who are favored for the Heisman Trophy.

Boston College loses a dynamic Athletic Director to UCLA. The changes that Martin Jarmond brought to the school and what awaits his successor.

The impact he'll have on UCLA and the PAC-12. Bruins' fans should be excited.

Pete Thamel's list of potential replacements for the Eagles.

Grayson Smith

We're hearing plenty of talk about the impact of Coronavirus upon pro's and college sports. What about youth sports? Some scary numbers when it comes to the financial impact. If you aren't growing a crop of new athletes then who will feed the next levels of competition?

What are kids that are into sports doing to fill in the blanks?

Working out at home.

Favorites and why they've left an impression.

The experience of working with a trainer.

An important skill for people who like to

Scary Numbers

What happens if sports doesn't return this fall? The financial impact on youth sports, colleges and the pro's is wide ranging.

The Group of 5 and HBCU schools face a big hit to their budgets. Can it be made up?

No fans in the stands? It's possible but how about the ticket and concession revenue?

Remember this number, 10%.

An 8 game schedule without non-conference match-ups. Where does Notre Dame fit in?

It's not just football. Some thoughts on the basketball season.

Reflecting On History

Learning lessons from the last Pandemic.

More Of The Same Thoughts On The Heisman Race

Who are the favorites? The guys believes there are only two on the list. Find out who.