ACC Nation

ACC Nation

Basketball Countdown – Will’s Weekend Preview

January 17, 2020

Will Ojanen @WillsWorldMN -

Come join me for my weekend preview of ACC men's basketball on ACC Nation Podcast. This basketball countdown takes a quick look at the performances of teams thus far and I'll share my thoughts on who comes out on top. To say the conference has been topsy-turvy so far would be a huge understatement.

The ACC Men's Basketball Tournament is coming at teams fast. The games over the next few weeks are becoming more critical by the day. This weekend there are seven match-ups. No one, no matter what they say, could have seen the jumbled mess the conference is in now.

What are some of the reasons for teams sputtering? I'll share my thoughts on the players that are falling short and those that are stepping up. How have injuries played a role so far? Which of the teams in the following schedule have a serious shot (that you wouldn't have thought would have) at the NCAA conference?

Basketball Countdown

Unpaid Stars Should Be Compensated


* Saturday, January 18* Syracuse @ Virginia Tech* North Carolina @ Pitt* Florida State @ Miami* Clemson @ NC State* Louisville @ Duke* Virginia @ Georgia Tech* Sunday, January 19* Boston College @ Wake Forest

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As mentioned above, the tournament is set for March 10-14 in Greensboro. This year it may be more about who survives the regular season than who makes it to the tournament.

There's lots of room for improvement and certainly some teams should be concerned about even making it to post-season. We'll keep a close eye on the NCAA NET rankings over the next few weeks to see who should be sweating it down the run.

It's a new year and it looks like that it's not only not your father's ACC but maybe not even the one you knew in 2019.