Accessible Computer Podcast

Accessible Computer Podcast

NVDA remote addon demonstration

July 22, 2021

In this episode I will show how to use NVDA Remote addon as a NVDA screen reader user.

It is a very simple installation like any other addon.

You can download the addon from website.

They have a version for NVDA 2019 or newer, and an older version for previous versions of NVDA screen reader.

This service is very useful when you need to help another blind person with adjusting settings or to copy details or settings from a computer to other.

I have used during the demonstration a feature called push clipboard which allow the initiator of the remote session to copy some text from his machine, and paste it into the controlled machine.

Another scenario where this addon is very useful is when you can control a local server from distance.

Asuming you have a computer 24/7 turned on, used like aFTP server or online radio station, you can control that station via NVDA Remote addon also.

Excepting Jaws, which is featuring a similar service called Jaws tandem, is no other screen reader so friendly when is about remote control between computers of blind people.

Third part programs for remote control are not always fully accessible, or some issues with screen readers in particular could make them challanging to be used.

Hope to come back soon with a demonstration of Jaws Tandem as well.

Enjoy your little tutorial from this podcast.