An Abundance of Thrones
An Abundance of Thrones - S4E8 - The Mountain & The Viper
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Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 8 – The Mountain & The Viper
Director: Alex Graves
Writer: David Benioff & D. B. Weiss
S4E8: 7.2 Million (U.S. only)
S4E7: 7.2 Million (U.S. only)
S4E6: 6.4 Million (U.S. only)
S4E5: 7.16 Million (U.S. only)
S4E4: 6.95 Million (U.S. only)
S4E3: 6.59 Million (U.S. only)
S4E2: 6.31 Million (U.S. only)
S4E1: 6.64 Million (U.S. only)
Game of Thrones Wikipedia
Alex Graves Directed:
S4E3 – Breaker of Chains
Viewership: 6.59 M
S4E2 – The Lion and the Rose
Viewership: 6.31 M
S3E4 – And Now His Watch is Ended
Viewership: 4.87 M
S3E5 – Kissed by Fire
Viewership: 5.34 M
Episode Summary:
The wildlings arrive in Mole’s Town and massacre the entire village. Gilly is discovered by Ygritte who spares her once she notices the infant she is holding. News of the attack reaches the Wall where Sam laments his decision to leave Gilly there, as he believes her dead. Ramsay forces Reek to masquerade as his former self, Theon Greyjoy, and orders him to get the Ironborn to surrender Moat Cailin in return for the safe return of the Ironborn to the Iron Islands. The initial leader refuses, but the Ironborn kill him in hopes of returning home. However, after they open the Moat’s gates, the Ironborn are flayed and slaughtered by Ramsay and his army. As a reward for securing the Moat, Roose, using his power as Warden of the North, legitimizes Ramsay and makes him a true Bolton as they arrive at Winterfell. Across the Narrow Sea, Missandrei and Grey Worm deal with the sexual tension between the two of them. Ser Barristan is delivered a letter intended for Ser Jorah which pardons him as a reward for spying on Daenerys. After confronting him, Ser Barristan gives the letter to Daenerys, who orders Jorah to leave Meereen and never return, officially ending their partnership. In the Vale, Sansa reveals to a council investigating Lysa’s death her true identity and convinces the council of Littlefinger’s innocence. Outside the gate of the Vale, the Hound and Arya arrive and are informed of Lysa’s death. Meanwhile in King’s Landing, Jaime and Tyrion share one final philosophical conversation as the trial by combat looms and arrives. Prince Oberyn and the Mountain fight. Prince Oberyn lands some hits on the Mountain and is able to stab him, seemingly killing him as Oberyn goes mad as he tries to get the Mountain to confess what he did. As Oberyn circles him however, the Mountain grabs Oberyn’s head before confessing to killing Elia and her children, gouges his eyes out and crushes his skull, killing him. The Mountain, then suffering from his severe injuries, collapses to the ground. Tywin rises and sentences Tyrion to death for regicide.
Huffington Post – Episode Recap
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