Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Latest Episodes

A23 Addressing Racism at Southern Part 2 with Joëlle Kanyana
February 12, 2018

Part two of our series on addressing racial issues at Southern Adventist University

A22 Addressing Racism at Southern Part 1 with Phillip Warfield
February 09, 2018

A SAU Student's perspective on Racism on Southern's Campus

A21 No Country for Single People
February 05, 2018

An exploration of the Church culture surrounding marriage and expectations of marriage

A20.5 Birthday Episode! My Critical Adventism
February 02, 2018

It's my birthday! Hear about why I am an Adventist and why I criticize.

A20 Music, Labels, and Christianity with Davis Absolute
January 29, 2018

Davis Absolute comes on to talk about his experience as an Artist and a Christian

A19 Fostering Dependency with Tony Anobile, Jr.
January 22, 2018

How churches stifle the growth of their members

A18 Regional Conferences, Racism, and Friendship with Evan Willis
January 15, 2018

Pastor Evan Willis and I talk about Regional Conferences, Racism, and how to become a friend to those you want to ally with.

A17 When Leadership Falls Short
January 08, 2018

Responding to poor leadership

A16 - Happy New Year! Stewarding Technology with Justin Janetzko
January 01, 2018

Discussing the dangers of getting too attached to technology