Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Latest Episodes

BONUS EPISODE A Movement Toward Awakening with Ryan Hodgins
November 21, 2018

Pastor Ryan Hodgins joins me to talk about youg adult ministry, his journey as a pastor, and a new Young Adult initiative happening in Charlotte, NC. We address the rumors regarding Awaken happening near the same time as GYC, talk about Awakens goals, an.

A62 Mental Health, Counseling, and Stigmas
November 19, 2018

A62 Mental Health, Counseling, and Stigmas

A61 The NAD Strikes Back and Dan Jackson's Had Enough
November 12, 2018

The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists met in early November to discuss Division matters in general, but also to figure out how to respond to the recent Annual Council issues. If you want to know about those, head back to A57 and A58 to un.

A60 Church Hospitality
November 05, 2018

A60 Church Hospitality

A59 Pittsburgh, Mission, and How Actions Matter
October 29, 2018

Tony and I talk about the World Series, Ted Wilsons response to Regional Conference President criticisms, a new young adult conference coming to Charlotte. At about 10 minutes, we dive in to the real meat of this episode as we discuss the Synagogue Shoot.

A58 Annual Council, Compliance, and Unity Part 2 Reaction
October 22, 2018

Tony and I are back with part 2 of our series on 2018 Fall Annual Council. This is an Adventist-focused episode, so sorry to my listeners from other faith traditions! If you havent been following whats happening at Annual Council, go back and listen to P.

A57 Annual Council, Compliance, and Unity Part 1
October 15, 2018

Tony and I give an explanation for what was being discussed on Sunday, October 14. This does not contain our reaction to the actual vote itself, as this episode was recorded prior to the vote. But if you want to understand exactly what is going on and wh.

A56 Institutional Branding and Identity
October 08, 2018

Tony and I talk about branding and identity today. Not just individually, or as a whole church, but as local congregations as well. We also talk about the new SDA logo and the implications of some push to integrate it into the local church context.Click .

A55 How Do We Find Our Calling
October 01, 2018

Tony and I talk about calling. After moving states and changing jobs, Ive been thinking a lot about calling, how it works, and how we find our own. We hope this conversation is valuable for you on your own journey to discover your purpose.Check out our s.

A54 ...So About Nike
September 17, 2018

Tony and I talk about the new Kaepernick ad from Nike that has everyone in an uproar. We talk about the business motivations behind the decision, the impact of it, the response to it, and what it means for us.Check out our sponsors for this episode:www.t.