Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Absurdity with Ryan Becker

A111 Part 1: 2019 Annual Council Reactions

October 28, 2019

This week we have a two-parter! For part 1, Tony and Ryan recap Annual Council and give their reactions and analysis of the major conversations and votes that took place. We talk Gossip Juice, the abortion statement, the discipline votes, and more. Disclaimer: this is an Adventist-centric episode.

Here are the links for this episode:

For a brief overview of Annual Council votes: https://thescratchnews.com/briefs/2019/10/11/e0bso4ienygnjcg5qi1k1y7pgzffi0-3b5ms

Here are the tweets we reference:

Gossip Juice

Abortion Statement

Question on Statement becoming Policy

Compliance Action

Dan Jackson Tweet #1

Dan Jackson Tweet #2

Administrator:Pastor Ratio Chart

To support financially: www.theabsurdity.org/donate

Music and editing by Kendall Foote. To contact him about your own production, you can email him at kfoote1221@gmail.com
Twitter: @ryan180becker, @tony_anobile
Email: ryan180becker@gmail.com
Facebook: facebook.com/Absurditypodcast