Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Absurdity with Ryan Becker

A110 Hong Kong and the Privilege of Optional Protest

October 21, 2019

We catch you up to speed on the Hong Kong protests, just how serious the situation there is, and how that compares to our experience as Americans regarding protests and rallies that happen around the country. When protesting seems optional to us, how should we respond to those for whom protesting is necessary? And don't worry, our SDA Annual Council reactions are coming next week!

About the Hong Kong Protests

Elderly Helping Protesters

To support financially: www.theabsurdity.org/donate

Music and editing by Kendall Foote. To contact him about your own production, you can email him at kfoote1221@gmail.com

Twitter: @ryan180becker, @tony_anobile

Email: ryan180becker@gmail.com

Facebook: facebook.com/Absurditypodcast
