Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Absurdity with Ryan Becker

A16 - Happy New Year! Stewarding Technology with Justin Janetzko

January 01, 2018

Happy New Year! We are back with new episodes, a brand new look, a new intro, a new podcast host in Blubrry, and new equipment!

This week we have Justin Janetzko on the cast to talk about screen-time technology like phones, tablets, computers, and TVs, and the dangers of not stewarding technology well. This conversation challenged me personally and as a result, I've made some changes to my life that have resulted in a lot of positives. I hope the same is able to happen for you.

Huge thanks to Justin Janetzko as well for our custom intro music! Pumped to have our own unique sound.

Also, be sure to subscribe on iTunes and make sure you check your subscription. We had a duplicate listing of the podcast up for a while and that was recently fixed, so you may find you are no longer subscribed because you accidentally subscribed to the duplicate.

Finally, Absurdity is now on Patreon! www.patreon.com/absurditypodcast If you enjoy what I do here and want to give back, every dollar helps! Patrons will get episodes a week in advance. There will be more perks coming soon, but for now, I appreciate your kindness and generosity and every dollar goes back into helping me make this podcast a persistent reality.