Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Absurdity with Ryan Becker

A6 - The Art of Listening

December 06, 2017

On this episode I talk about the importance of really trying to listen and understand someone's experience rather than simply trying to prove them wrong. Social media takes away the benefit of nonverbal communication to help us understand each other, so we must be diligent and intentional to understand the experiences of others and ask why they may be saying something or doing something. Let's be quick to understand rather than quick to prove wrong.


This is a shorter episode for a couple reasons: I wanted to be succinct on a lot of this and I didn't want the length gating someone who might otherwise not listen.

September 22, 2016 EDIT: The original audio for this episode was very weird. I went in and doctored it as much as my limited knowledge allowed me to. I'm sorry if it's still a bit off.