Absurdity with Ryan Becker

Absurdity with Ryan Becker

A4 - An Absurd Gray

December 06, 2017

This episode I dive into how we as a church can approach LGBTQ+ conversations in more contructive, practical, and sensitive ways. Ultimately, this subject isn't as clear-cut in Scripture as we want it to be, and that fact should lead us to be intentional and patient in how we approach a group that has long faced difficulty and rejection.

I explore key harmful terms used by well-meaning Christians in conversations, I also discuss the historical context around Romans 1:26-27, one of the premiere texts used to discuss LGBTQ+ matters. My goal in this episode is not to dig a theological trench on one side or the other, but hopefully build a bridge between the two in order to create healthy and positive conversations in the future. The only condemning in this episode is regarding how we talk about these matters, but I am not condemning any persons.