About Mansfield

About Mansfield

AM217 - O.K. Carter: an Interview I

April 10, 2024

Stories we’re covering this week:

• We get a city council update in A Moment With the Mayor

• Crane explosion rocks a five-mile radius

• School board candidate’s eligibility remains inconclusive

• Mansfield’s Texas Tech School of Nursing celebrates fifth class of nurses

• Mansfield Mission Center says let’s tee one up for the community

• In Sports, power lifters flex their state champion muscles

In the Features Section:

• Angel Biasatti is here with details on a ground-breaking procedure to treat carpal tunnel syndrome in Methodist Mansfield News to Know

• Brian Certain whips up a rebellious rum concoction in the Cocktail of the Week 

In the talk segment, Steve talks about the future of journalism with former Star-Telegram columnist O.K. Carter. Plus, your chance to win a $25 gift card to a Mansfield restaurant of your choice with our Mansfield Trivia Question, courtesy of Joe Jenkins Insurance. We are Mansfield’s only source for news, talk and information. This is About Mansfield.
