A Balanced Life For You

What do channeling & sacrifice have in common?
Rebecca Dawson is an International Speaker, Author and Channeller from Perth, Australia. As a guest, Rebecca and Rhonda speak candidly about consciousness, sacrifice and more.
Rebecca, thank you for joining me. I know you are coming miles away so please take a moment to introduce yourself and let us know where you are located.
Hi, my name is Rebecca and I'm joining from Perth in Western Australia, on the other side of the world from where you are; it's nighttime here.I think 2020 has changed how some of us are doing things. So normally, I'm a channeler and a speaker. I run workshops and tours and I go around the world and speak to people about what's happening with consciousness and how it's shifting for us and how our experience on the planet is shifting. This year for me, I'm at home and I'm playing from home and connecting with people from home, which I think is an experience many of us are having in this year. And just finding new, interesting creative things to explore with consciousness.
You've said a couple of things that I think my listeners may or may not be familiar with. So if it's okay, let's dive into a few of these words that you said. You said you were a channeler. Tell us what that is.
I think, different people have different ideas about what channeling is. Sometimes we say that it's bringing through something that's beyond us or a higher consciousness than what we are and delivering it through our expressions into this world. I sometimes artists say that they channel beautiful artwork or writers channel certain pieces of wisdom or, or some beautiful privates. For me, I'm a voice channel. So for about 20, 25 years now, I've been bringing through information about earth and humanity and how our reality works and I do that through lectures and I write books and I run courses and workshops. So as a voice channel, I never know what we're going to be exploring or talking about. I love answering people's questions and I always learned to expect the unexpected, but it's a real privilege and an honor to be able to do that because I'm always understanding things in a deeper and richer way.
Connect with Rebecca at RebeccaDawson.net