A Balanced Life For You

How to Self-Care in 2021
There are some things you have control of and some things you don’t. In this episode, Rhonda shares several tips a strategies so that you can live a fit and fabulous lifestyle.
Today’s topic is about health and fitness. What is health and fitness? What does it mean? Why is it important?Let me ask you a question. Do you suffer from fatigue, dry skin or shortness of breath? Do you wish you were in better shape or do you feel drained from all those responsibilities that you have? Do you ever suffer from high levels of anxiety or depression? Well, let me say this. If you want to have a fit and healthy lifestyle, you’re going to want to become more aware of you; how you see yourself and how you treat yourself.
This concept of “self care” or “taking care of me” seems to be a bit misconstrued. Many women that I talk to and work with, tell me things like, “I feel guilty if I spend time or money on me”. Why is this? If you don’t take care of you, who will? It is not your parents’ job. It’s not your husband’s job and it’s certainly not your children’s jobs to take care of you physically, mentally, and socially.
It is your job, and your responsibility, because if you don’t, how will you be able to take care of others if you are not refilling your cup?
Self care is anything but selfish. Think about when you’re on an airplane. As that airplane is taxing down the runway, getting ready for take off, you are asked to observe the safety features and what to do in case of an emergency.
The flight attendant tells you to put your oxygen mask on first. Why? Because if you’re unconscious, how could you possibly help your child or the person next to you? You don’t! So, it’s imperative that you take care of you first. When you deplete yourself, you are of no use to anyone else. Consider this; When you don’t take care of your teeth and gums, what’s going to happen.? Well, long-term you are could end up with issues such as: Gingivitis, cavities, maybe dentures, and who knows what else. When you ignore the largest organ on you body, the skin, what happens over time? Many things such as dryness, aging skin and discoloration. You could end up with some type of skin cancer, whether it be benign or malignant. It is also important to take care of your hair and our face. Oftentimes these areas they are overlooked because they feel like, well, “I just can’t afford to do that for myself”.
The physical body consists of all the different systems such as the muscle system, the skeleton system, cardiovascular, the digestive system and more. Living a fit and healthy lifestyle is about being aware, and understanding how you’re functioning. So, you might want to consider asking yourself,” How happy and satisfied am I in the area of my health and my fitness”?
….Listen to the remainder on this episode …
Rhonda talks about the 5 things your skin needs to be soft, supple and beautiful:
- Cleanse your skin twice a day
- Exfoliate
- PH Balance
- Hydrate / Moisturize
- Protect