A Balanced Life For You

A Balanced Life For You

Baby Steps

January 12, 2019

I do my best at organizing my thoughts but to be perfectly honest, I find it a bit challenging.  Maybe it’s because my mind is going 90 to nothing because I want more than anything to provide you with enough information that allows you to have a new perspective about who you are and the life you are living.  When you gain a new perspective, you are empowered to make new choices. And when you make new choices, you can change your life.

Now that we are in the beginning of a new year, most of us are making resolutions or setting goals.  Goals that will hopefully improve our health, relationships, finances or something else.  For the next few weeks, I want to focus on personal health and fitness including  physical, mental and emotional wellness. 

During the month of January, much of the population will set health and fitness goals and many will buy a membership to the local gym.  It usually comes with the declaration  of “I’m going to get in shape this year”.

I spoke with someone just the other day who did just that.  She bought a membership for herself and her mother.  The intention was to get to the gym at least twice a week.  During this conversation, she  admitted,  that over the first 10 days of the year, she only made it to the gym once. 

What about you?  Did you make a fitness goal?  Did you buy a gym membership?  If you did, how many times a week do you think you need to go to the gym to get in shape?  What ever you answered, this is what you believe to be true.  You are setting your expectations to get a specific result.  I’m going to guess, you don’t want to be disappointed.  You don’t want to find yourself three or six months from now exactly where you are today.  The goal is to make a positive change or improve on the current situation. 

Disappointment could happen for a few reasons:  

When you set your goal you were not realistic.  I don’t mean realistic about the end result but rather realistic about you. Setting goals and expectations that you most likely wont do because it’s a drastic change from the norm. 

Here is an example.  I used to live in the Northeast.  The winters are generally long, cold and not a lot of daylight.  I don’t enjoy being outside especially in the evening when it’s cold and dark.  Now, if I were to declare “I’m going to get in shape this year” and buy a membership to the local gym, I’m setting myself up for failure because the likelihood of me going anywhere I don’t have to when it’s cold is slim and none.  

Did you catch what I said… if I don’t have to.  For most of us, getting is shape is a want to, not a have to. 

     2.  Another way you might let yourself down is being unaware of this silent but deadly habit  “Not doing what you said you would do”.   This falls under the accountability principle. I talk more about that in my DREAM system found in my book

Here are some tips to help you set yourself up for success this year.

Take baby steps.  Don’t put too much pressure or expectations on yourself in the beginning.

When you set a goal, be clear on your why.  In other words, ask yourself “For what purpose am I setting this goal?  What outcome or result do I want?”.   The purpose could be having more energy to play with the kids or grandkids.  Looking and feeling sexy for a beach vacation.  You want to look good and feel proud at your 20 year reunion.  You are tired of being on medication that makes you feel like crap.  What ever the reason, get crystal clear.

Don’t make drastic changes.  Ask yourself,  “What could I do differently in the beginning of the year to set myself up for success?” You might consider doing something simple from home.  Did you know that in just 5 minutes a day you can strengthen the core muscles ( abdominals), quads, inner thighs, buttocks and arms.