A Balanced Life For You

A Balanced Life For You

Caring Is Sharing with Ilene Meckley

October 25, 2018

Ilene Meckley is a nationally known author and trainer and a mother of six and grandmother of seven. Ilene worked for a direct sales company for 13 years. During those 13 years, she personally recruited over 650 people. Having the desire to help others become successful, she began teaching seminars to consultants from other direct sales companies. Ilene has taught thousands of people representing hundreds of companies the language that has enabled them to maximize their skills, resulting in successful businesses. As a mother of six, grandmother of seven she also shares her valuable tips concerning how to work your business alongside your family and other activities successfully. The results achieved by those who have attended her seminars have been extraordinary. Ilene Meckley, Language Coach, and Attitude Trainer, provides the tools necessary to navigate through the bumps and roadblocks you face when building a business or overcoming any of life's challenges and help to get you cruising down the highway of success. Thirteen years ago, Ilene Meckley was traveling home from a seminar when an 18-wheeler hit her head on. This accident resulted in her spending 5 1/2 months recovering in the hospital. Ilene Meckley broke virtually every bone in her body and nearly had her foot amputated. She underwent eight major surgeries and countless physical therapy sessions including having to learn how to walk once again. Even in her most challenging days in the hospital, she never let a severed foot or broken bones shatter her dreams. Ilene was forced to halt her passion for traveling and could no longer give her motivational speeches across the country. It was at this moment Ilene's journey could have taken two different roads. She could have let this accident divert her from her passions. Fortunately, Ilene chose a different road, a path of recovery, motivated by her desire to get back to her love of helping others to be successful.

In this episode, Ilene and Rhonda discuss:

The difference between being a hard worker vs being a heart worker
How to work your business alongside your family and responsibilities 
How Ilene began with direct sales
Language to use which supports and encourages children to cooperate while mom works a business from home
Ilene explains what it means to  D.E.S.E.R.V.E.

Contact Ilene here:
on FB  @ https://www.facebook.com/imeckley  or http://www.ilenemeckley.com