A Balanced Life For You

A Balanced Life For You

Krysta Gerheim – Mindset Coach

February 08, 2018

If you are you an entrepreneur who is challenged with a chronic health condition such as an auto immune illness then  you will really enjoy this great interview with Krysta Gerheim.  She helps entrepreneurs break though mind blocks using strategic methods and turns them into a story telling marketing technique. Krysta shares an inspiring story of how she overcame limiting beliefs that were brought on by dealing with a chronic health condition.  She found herself living in fear and from this place found a way to create systems to support her new business.  Connect with Krysta here:  https://www.facebook.com/krysta.gerheim or in her FB group - The Motivated Entrepreneur.
Schedule your breakthrough session with Rhonda http://bit.ly/2Bp4FqR