A Balanced Life For You
Cindy Lukehart-House a Veteran initiative
Cindy is a U.S. Army Veteran and Mom of 4. Two boys, Two girls 19 year span of parenting. Life's ups and downs are everywhere. It is all how one deals with that moment. Easy? absolutely not. Child hit by a car, auto accident causing personal health issues, parent death causing turmoil in the family, learning challenges with the younger two creating the homeschool path. My favorite reward so far is my grandson. I wished 6 kids on his dad just like him growing up when at that point in life he was my biggest challenge. That one grandson is 3 of the 6 easily. Oh yeah, bankruptcy, divorce and domestic violence part of the ride. Next chapter is empty nest. This will be interesting!!!!
Cindy Lukehart, PA, GRI®,SFR®
The Griffin Group
Coldwell Banker Residential
727 420 3628
House a Veteran initiative