Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0047 – Valentine's Day 2000 revisited…& the state of the nation
February 16, 2017

Valentine's Day 2000 remembered; the state of the nation....

AAISAD 0046 – Betsy DeVos confirmed; left pivots to stop Jeff Sessions & Neil Gorsuch
February 09, 2017

Despite the concerted assault by the left, Betsy DeVos was confirmed Secty. of Education.

AAISAD 0045 – The "loyal" opposition's obstruction of the new President's nominees
February 02, 2017

The "loyal" opposition's obstruction of the new President and his agenda via obstruction of confirmation of the President's men and women.

AAISAD 0044 – Out with the Old & In with the New – Inauguration postscript
February 01, 2017

Visiting the new President's Inaugural Address as he begins his Presidency.
