Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0246 – Mark Cuban’s “America 2.0” Pres. bid? “There will be death,” Pres. Trump, “We have to open our country again.” Italy. US Repub. Govs. & freedom. Native American Tribes Part 1.

April 04, 2020

Presidential Race 2020 – Billionaire Mark Cuban’s “plausible, doable” Independent late run for President in uniquely opportune post-coronavirus “America 2.0”?
President Trump’s and Trump Administration’s handling of the coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic.
“There will be death,” Pres. Trump. “We have to open our country again,” Pres. Trump. Closing the southern border.
Italy, societal pressure to open the country’s economy to stave off an economic depression; antibodies and “immunity”?
Economists for moderate “social distancing.” US Republican Governors for freedom for Americans. The Pilgrims and Puritans, America’s founders’ perspective and response to trials like plagues….
USPS in need of assistance to remain in operation and serve the health…needs of Americans.
Native American Indian Tribes and respiratory viruses like coronavirus, COVID-19 – Part 1.