Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0240 – Emergency relief pkg. $2 Trillion. NYC hospitals in throes of pandemic; NJ “field hospitals”? Spain’s death-toll surpasses China’s. Female Dem. activists dictate to Joe Biden, Part I.

March 25, 2020

US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on $2 Trillion bipartisan coronavirus “emergency relief” package for USA.
New York City’s current situation likened to that of a health crisis in a 3rd-world nation!
New Jersey and US Army Corps of Engineers setting up field hospitals?
Communist China death-toll now surpassed by Spain as well as Italy.
US Military and belated quarantines on bases in USA for returning military personnel.
Churches, and secular leaders in “free” nations.
UK’s royal family touched by coronavirus pandemic – Prince Charles being treated.
Copper’s natural abilities to destroy viruses and bacterias not employed by hospitals….
Democrat front-runner Joe Biden instantly caves to demands from female Democrat activists – Part I.