Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0223 – What is a fitting punishment for mutilating a girl? Nevada’s Democrat Presidential Debate & Caucuses; Sanders, Warren, Bloomberg, Steyer...? Heroism & Love

February 22, 2020

What punishment should be assessed for a man viciously maiming, mutilating, disfiguring a girl?
Laws and grossly uneven “justice.” Perversion of language to pervert beliefs….
Michael Bloomberg’s ironic criticisms of Bernie Sanders. Vile, lewd, profane, master-manipulator Bloomberg get’s a verbal comeuppance at Las Vegas, Nevada Democrat Presidential Debate.
Democrat leaders versus Democrat rank and file; Democrat enslaved constituencies.
Coronavirus pandemic. Baby Elizabeth Hutt tragedy and Seattle Children’s Hospital and related tragedies due to Aspergillus mold.
Heroism & Love – Justin Jackson, then 12-years of age; Noah Woods 5-years-of-age!