Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0220 – China’s censorship of coronavirus epidemic; President Trump’s arrangement with Afghani Islamist Taliban; Presidential Race 2020; Girls maimed, raped, murdered in NYC & SC

February 16, 2020

Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin, documenters of coronavirus crisis in Communist China’s Wuhan, taken prisoner or much worse, by Communist Chinese regime.
President Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo secures Islamist Taliban’ promise to reduce murder of US troops for seven days!
Presidential Race 2020 – the various Democrat Presidential candidates champion “gun-control” as panacea to end mass-murders.
Manhattan, NYC – Gang of women “of color” and gang of men “of color” attack two girls on their way home from school; 14-year-old girl facially maimed!
Six-year-old girl kidnapped from her front yard in South Carolina in broad daylight, raped and murdered by a neighbor!
14-year-old arrested and charged for slaughter of 18-year-old Barnard College student Tessa Majors.
New charges for R. Kelly pertaining to his decades-long serial rapes of minor-age girls.