Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0141 – Where have all the darlings gone? & Why? The terrible truth, is that the worst is yet to come

September 19, 2018

Rape-Murder, Kidnap-Rape-Murder, "thrill" torture murders...Celia Barquin Arozema, Iowa St; Maureen Brubaker Farley; Ashley Johnson-Barr. The absolute necessities of immediate, thorough house to house searches in towns, communities, and areas of proximity to stranger kidnappings of children, and young women, and immediate intervention by the FBI in all such stranger kidnappings, including those routinely deemed disappearances.

Cold-case murders: Maureen Brubaker Farley; Sylviane/Sylviana Fink.

Kidnap-Rape-Enslavement, Kidnap-Rape-Prostitution/Trafficking...the release of Wanda Barzee, co-Kidnapper, Tormenter, Enslaver of Elizabeth Smart.

Why the persistent bloodbath, the unceasing, and ever-increasing reign of terror against girls, young women, and young mothers?

Acceptable black vs. white racist hatred & murderous threatenings against Garieri family in reaction to Garieri Jewelers billboard ads.

Bromance of President Trump for "Chairman Kim"! & Fools with enormous wealth.