Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0133 – Sen. McCain & Pres. Trump & Atty. Genl. Sessions; Sen. Collins on Supreme Ct. nominee Brett Kavanaugh; the leaders we choose

August 25, 2018

Senator John McCain, Rep. AZ - a better man than a Senator.

President Donald Trump - a worse man than a President; and a better administration than the USA's CEO.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions - a better man and Attorney General than his President deserves at DOJ, in his Cabinet....

George Conway, Kellyanne Conway's husband, an honorable lawyer; yes, there is such a thing.

Senator Susan Collins, Rep. ME - and Induced Abortion, a diabolically, creatively fashioned precedent that she loves.

She Said, He Said - Sen. Collins on her tete-a-tete with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.