Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0197 – President Trump's 75th D-Day Anniv. Speech; Trump & North Korea's Kim Jong Un; Trump & Islamist Iran; Black African Islamist Terror in Somalia

July 13, 2019

President Donald Trump, the Poet-in-Chief's imagined "eloquence" vs. reality and truth....

Pres. Trump's tete-a-tete in the DMZ with BFF North Korean Communist dictator Kim Jong Un.

Pres. Trump, the Tweeter-in-Chief's version of "shock and awe" vs. the Islamist Iranian Regime.

Pres. Race 2020 - Pete Buttigieg & his hubby = 1/2 of "a dream ticket" for the brave new USA.

Justice, is that what they call it? Rape? The rape of the so-called "Justice system."

Al Shabaab Black African Islamist Terror in Somalia; Islamist, Islam, Muslim, African, Black?