Beyond Belief Sobriety

Episode 291: Overcoming Sugar Addiction with Mike Collins
In this episode we talk with Mike Collins. Mike is the founder of and is passionate about helping people overcome their addictions. He is the author of “The Last Resort Sugar Detox”, which you can read for free on his website. This was Mike’s second appearance on our podcast. He was previously our guest on episode 115 which was posted in July 2019.
What we talked about
- Mike’s community with over 20,000 participants.
- Sugar as the gateway drug
- The recovery community paving the way to address our obesity crisis
- Sugar is in most of the food we see in the grocery store. We need to eat whole foods.
- We know more about the dangers of sugar than ever before.
- As adults we aren’t using sugar to feel good, we are simply fighting withdrawals.
- Mike’s story.
- The importance of understanding sugar addiction as a substance use disorder.
- Sugar addiction impairs emotional development.
- Thirty Day Detox.
- Detox to lifestyle program.
- Spectrum of sugar addiction.
- Difference between Mike’s program and 12 Step fellowships such as Overeaters Anonymous and other groups.
- Largest Sugar Detox to start on January 1.
- The Quit Sugar Summit.
- Reducing the stigma and increasing awareness of sugar addiction.
The Quit Sugar Summit
“Last Resort Sugar Detox Guide”