Beyond Belief Sobriety

Beyond Belief Sobriety

Episode 282: Mind, Body & Recovery With Ryan Mack

September 30, 2022

You know that expression, “The only way out is through?” It’s a truism that has never been truer than in the case of Ryan Mack, who fought his way back from serious addiction, mental anguish and a toxic lifestyle. How did he do it? It started by learning to take control of his mind. Today a successful coach (you can check him out @Instagram), Ryan is sharing his inspiring journey with Host John Sheldon on this episode of the Beyond Belief Sobriety podcast. The path wasn’t so much straight-ahead as a patchwork of lessons collected and behavioral choices made on the way to recovery. And when he’s talking about recovery, Ryan means not just a return from the hardcore cocktail of drugs he’d been using but also establishing a strong sense of self based on awareness and discipline. He outlines for us the variety of techniques and tools for self-discovery that ultimately brought him to a transformational tipping point.

You’ll learn about the importance of “doing the opposite” of what our reptilian minds most often want us to do: the easy thing. Exercising what Ryan calls “extreme discipline” is foundational to the lifestyle framework he provides his clients (online through a combination of his fitness app, one-to-one coaching and a range of trackable measures related to diet, fitness and mental hygiene). But, he says, meaningful change doesn’t start without making an informed decision – and sticking with it no matter what. “If you’re struggling, you just need to take control,” he says. “It’s up to you. It’s a choice. Don’t be weak. We get strong by doing what’s hard.” If you need help defining a personal roadmap to being your best self, Ryan’s coaching program might give you just the kind of insight and accountability you’ve been looking for!

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Key Takeaways
  • Ryan shares his trajectory from managing depression, anxiety, suicide attempts, a dysfunctional long-term relationship and the grip of addiction to find his way to mental and physical wellness with a wonderful partner and successful online coaching business.
  • Some of the more traditional routes (like psychotherapy, anti-depressants and rehab) were of only marginal help to Ryan.
  • The heart of his awakening took root on two fronts:
    • Mental: A wise mentor with a shamanic background taught Ryan about the power – and inner workings – of the mind.
    • A “militant” physical trainer who understood the role of discipline in cultivating self-esteem taught Ryan how to commit and move forward, one choice at a time.
    • By interweaving the physical, emotional and mental, Ryan has established a holistic sweet spot in which each of the building blocks reinforces the other.

  • Ryan explains the spiritual hierarchy – atop which sits our souls, followed by mind and body.
  • About the lower part of our brains, which is primal and reflexively seeks comfort – unless we use our higher awareness to redirect it through better decisions. Instead of reaching for that drink, we can interrupt that thought and practice something different.
  • Meditation may be a helpful adjunct, but Ryan believes at the end of the day mental and physical wellness is built on action. It’s about choosing daily to do the hard things, even when we don’t feel like it.
  • Breaking down “extreme discipline” and how it differs from garden variety discipline. It’s a lifestyle and non-negotiable. It’s doing things like:
    • Getting up when you want to hit the snooze button.
    • Going to the gym when you want to stretch out on the couch.
    • Choosing health food options instead of McDonald’s.
    • Seeking out nourishing friends and entertainment rather than toxic vexations.

  • The role physical fitness played in Ryan’s recovery and how he integrates it into the programs he prescribes for his coaching clients.
  • Ryan gives us a look into how his program works:
    • He takes a holistic approach that incorporates mindset as the starting point for all other healing and strengthening behaviors.
    • A comprehensive intake sets the stage for Ryan’s customized programs.
    • His training app provides personalized daily workouts as well as accountability to an agreed-upon daily schedule, including diet, exercise, wake times, journaling and other elements.
    • Clients have a weekly check-in Zoom chat with Ryan to explore how they’re feeling, asses whether their program is working and tweak anything that requires modification.

  • About The Law of Attraction and how our vibrations – which flow from our mindsets and behaviors – can deliver positive or negative energetic results.
  • The critical role that routine – and a strict adherence to the plan – has in creating the self-empowered outcomes we all desire.
  • Why Ryan is motivated to give back and share his story with 100% authenticity – so that absolutely anyone can see that there is a road back; that recovery is truly possible!

Key Quotes

Something came over me and I knew with family is where I needed to be right now. I was at a place in my life where I needed to be around people I love and get away from all the toxic stuff in my life. (Ryan)

You are not your mind and your mind is not you. (Ryan)

You have to accept yourself as the soul or awareness behind the thoughts you have. (Ryan)

Your mind is designed to keep you comfortable and keep you safe. And it’s also what provides you with anxiety … because back in the day anxiety was a healthy thing when a tiger got into a village. (Ryan)

The mind is an organ. It’s like any other part of your body. It has functional purposes to keep us alive, but it is and organ and it’s not me. I may behave or act according to what my mind is perceiving or wanting to do, but you can control that just as you can learn to control other parts of your body. (John)

Your awareness is just your higher self; your best potential trying to pull you to be the best version of you. And our mind is what will keep us from that. Almost like a little kid … your mind does not know what it’s doing. (Ryan)

My definition of discipline is doing what you need to do over what you want to do … Doing what’s hard makes us strong. Doing what’s easy makes us weak. And how can you beat depression and addiction when you’re in a weak state of mind. (Ryan)

Any kind of action we take does strengthen us. I was told by a therapist years ago that one of the best things you can do for depression is take a walk, just get active. (John)

Once you have the discipline to master your mind you’re going to start drawing so much good stuff to you. Your career gets better, your bank account is going to look better, you’re going to feel better, look better, have better relationships. (Ryan)

How I understand recovery is not just getting back what you lost from your addiction and getting healthy and changing and growing, but connecting with other people … and putting that message out there. (John)

I understand that people feel hopeless but I’m telling you: It all comes down to you. You have the power. You have everything you need inside of you to heal your pain. You just have to make that decision. (Ryan)

Contact and Follow Ryan

Instagram @themackmindset
