A Savory Moment by Life At The Table

A Savory Moment by Life At The Table

The Ultimate Guide for How to Fry an Egg

March 25, 2024

Ah, the humble egg!

That versatile orb of deliciousness that has the power to transform your humble breakfast into a feast fit for royalty.

But here’s the catch – frying an egg is both an art and a science.

Get it right, and you’re a culinary genius. Get it wrong, and well, it’s scrambled eggs for breakfast again.

Fear not!

Today, we’re diving into the egg-citing world of frying eggs, ensuring that your next egg-sperience is nothing short of spectacular.


Types of Fried Eggs

Dive into the sizzling world of fried eggs, where the flip (or lack thereof) makes all the difference.

1. Sunny-side up. Welcome to the sunny-side up spectacle, where the egg basks in its glory, unflipped, boasting a glistening, runny yolk and tender whites, kissed by the pan just on one side. Cover the pan with a lid to gently steam the yolk. It’s like a morning sunrise on your plate, bright and full of promise.

But wait, there’s a plot twist in the egg saga – the flip. Cue the over easy, medium, and over hard egg, the difference being how long you leave that beautiful yolk in contact with the heat of the pan after the flip.

2. Over Easy. This is the sunny-side’s adventurous sibling. Flipped with finesse, it features a delicately cooked exterior with a yolk that’s still eager to spill its golden secrets. It’s the perfect balance of slightly firm but oh-so-gooey goodness.

3. Over Medium. For those who like to tread the middle path, the “over medium” egg is your culinary soulmate. This one takes the flip a bit more seriously, wearing a slightly firmer yolk jacket, yet it’s not afraid to let loose a little when poked. It’s the culinary equivalent of a warm, hearty hug.

4. Over Hard. And then there’s the “over hard” egg, the no-nonsense, fully flipped, fully cooked stalwart. The yolk is solid, the whites are firm, and together, they’re ready to take on the world (or at least your breakfast plate) with gusto.

Whether it’s tucked into a sandwich or standing its ground solo, it’s dependable, delicious, and utterly satisfying.


Tips for How To Fry an Egg

Let’s crack the code to the perfect fried egg.

You want that white tender, and the yolk runny and rich – a culinary masterpiece that’s as beautiful to look at as it is delicious to eat.

The secret?

It’s all in the technique.

Below are my five tips for the perfect fried egg.

1. The Right Pan: Start with a non-stick skillet or a well-seasoned cast-iron pan. This is non-negotiable. You want your egg to glide onto the plate, not stick to the pan in a tragic egg-scape attempt.

2. The Crack: Crack your egg into a bowl first, then gently slide it into the pan. This avoids any unwanted shell-crashers and ensures your yolk stays regally intact.

3. Fat is Flavor: Whether it’s butter, olive oil, or even bacon grease (for those feeling adventurous), the choice of fat adds a layer of flavor to your egg. Don’t skimp on the fat as it’s also important to prevent sticking.

4. The Perfect Heat: Medium heat is your friend here. Too hot, and your egg turns into a rubbery disappointment. Too cool, and you’ll be watching paint dry. Add your egg to the pan after the butter melts and begins to bubble. The perfect temperature for frying an egg is 255˚F – 280˚F. Happily this is also the same temperature that butter sizzles without turning brown.

5. The Flip: Flip your egg gently. Use a slotted turner or pluck up your courage and flip the egg using the pan itself.


The Egg-straordinary Conclusion

Now you’re well on your way to mastering how to fry an egg.

So go forth, crack some eggs, and let the yolks fall where they may.

After all, in the grand scheme of things, it’s all just a bit of fun with food.

And remember, the best fried egg is the one that brings a smile to your face.

Try your hand at frying an egg today.

Other articles about eggs that you may be interested in:

How to Perfectly Boil An Egg

How To Poach An Egg

The Omelet As An Easy Breakfast or Dinner

The Humble and Fabulous Frittata

How To Buy Eggs

Turmeric Egg Salad

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The Ultimate Guide for How to Fry an Egg

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A foolproof guide for how to fry an egg that is perfectly seasoned and fried to match your personal yolk preference.

  • Author: Chef Sandra Lewis
  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 2
  • Total Time: 7 minutes
  • Yield: 1 serving


  • 1 large egg
  • 1–2 tablespoons butter (or olive oil)
  • kosher salt
  • pepper, fresh ground black pepper or red pepper flakes

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  1. Add 1-2 tablespoons to a small non-stick or cast iron or ceramic non-stick pan over medium-low heat.
  2. Once the butter has melted and is foaming, add your egg to pan.
  3. Season with kosher salt.
  4. Cook the egg until the whites begin to set, and then use the cooking techniques below to set the yolk to the preferred level of doneness.

    • Sunny-side Up: Cover the pan with a lid to gently steam the yolk. Remove from the pan when the whites are cooked and the yolk is still runny.
    • Over-Easy, Over-Medium, Over-Hard: Flip the egg to yolk-side down. Cook until the yolk firms to your liking.


  • Adjust the heat if your egg is cooking too hot or too slow. You can also remove the pan from the heat source to regulate the heat. Every stove is different and finding the perfect temperature may take a little experimentation.

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The post The Ultimate Guide for How to Fry an Egg appeared first on Life At The Table.