A Savory Moment by Life At The Table

A Savory Moment by Life At The Table

Herbs de Provence Chicken with White Wine and Lemon Sauce

March 18, 2024


Are you searching for a new chicken recipe that is full of flavor and easy enough on a weeknight?

I’ve got you covered!

Try my Herbs de Provence Chicken with White Wine and Lemon.


Herbs de Provence Chicken: A Culinary Journey to the French Mediterranean

What’s not to like about a dish that is simple to make yet tastes sophisticated.

That is the story of herbs de Provence chicken.

Herbs de Provence is a seasoning blend that will whisk away your senses to the herbaceous landscapes of southeast France.

This harmonious blend is a traditional mixture that includes a variety of dried herbs typically found in the Mediterranean landscape, including rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, marjoram, savory, and bay leaf.

Lavender, which adds a modern floral note is often included in this blend, but mostly outside of France as its not considered a traditional addition.


The Magic of Using Chicken Thighs in Herbs de Provence Chicken

Chicken thighs are the perfect canvas for our flavor ensemble in this simple dish.

Often undervalued by the home cook, chicken thighs deserve an elevated place on the dinner plate for their flavor, versatility, and value.

They have a robust flavor with succulent meat, and are always less expensive than chicken breast.

And they are forgiving in the kitchen. It’s easy to dry out a chicken breast, it’s a lot harder to do that with a chicken thigh.


Cooking Herbs de Provence Chicken with Confidence

This recipe is simple and straightforward.

To infuse the herbs de Provence flavor into the chicken, rub one teaspoon of the seasoning underneath the skin of each thigh, season the thighs, then brown them in a small dutch oven.

The rest of the dish is easily composed with garlic, shallots, and lemon creating a vibrant aromatic base to this dish with the lemon also adding the benefit of an acidic nuance to the dish along with the white wine.

All of these ingredients are nestled into the dutch oven along with the chicken broth and only needs 30-40 minutes in the oven, just until the thighs reach 165˚F.

Make a simple gravy from the liquid or just spoon the liquid as is over mashed potatoes or rice.

Herbs de Provence with white wine and lemon is a star dish that will shine on any dinner table, whether you’re looking for an elegant meal for guests or an easy weeknight dinner.

Give it a try today.

Check out my Top 3 Tips for Buying Chicken.

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.*



Herbs de Provence Chicken with White Wine and Lemon Sauce

Herbs de Provence Chicken | Life At The Table. An orange dutch oven with herbs de Provence chicken with lemons sitting on a wooden table.

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Herbs de Provence chicken is packed with flavor using simple ingredients. It’s easy to make and it’s a beautiful presentation.

  • Author: Chef Sandra Lewis
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 40 minutes
  • Total Time: 50 minutes
  • Yield: 4 Servings



  • 4 chicken thighs, skin-on, bone-in
  • 4 teaspoons herbs de Provence
  • 12 garlic cloves, smashed
  • 1 shallot, quartered
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 lemon quartered
  • kosher salt
  • olive oil

Optional Ingredients for a Gravy

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • kosher salt

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  1. Heat oven to 325˚F.
  2. Rub 1 teaspoon of herbs de Provence underneath the chicken thigh skin. (Loosen the chicken thigh skin by running your fingers between the skin and the meat. Often times, the skin will completely fold back like a book cover exposing the meat. Fold the skin back over the thigh after rubbing it with herbs de Provence.)
  3. Season the chicken thighs with kosher salt.
  4. Heat a 3-1/2 quart dutch oven or pot over medium heat until hot. Add enough olive oil to coat the bottom.
  5. Add the seasoned chicken thighs to the pot, skin-side down.
  6. Sear the thighs until the skin browns.
  7. Remove from the dutch oven and set aside, covered.
  8. Add the smashed garlic cloves and the quartered shallot to the dutch oven and sauté for a minute, or until fragrant and the garlic cloves begin to brown.
  9. Add the white wine to deglaze the pan, scraping up all the brown bits that have formed on the bottom of the dutch oven.
  10. Add the broth to the dutch oven.
  11. Gently place the chicken thighs back into the dutch oven with the white wine and the broth, skin-side up and remove from the burner.
  12. Nestle the lemon quarters into the liquid and between the chicken thighs.
  13. Cover the dutch oven and place it in the oven for 20-30 minutes or until the chicken reaches 165˚F.

Optional Steps to Make Gravy

  1. Once the chicken is done, strain the liquid. You should have about 2 cups of liquid. Allow the liquid to settle and skim off the fat from the top, or use a fat separator.
  2. Melt the butter then add the flour to create a roux.
  3. Cook the flour mixture for 2-3 minutes or until the roux achieves a blond color.
  4. Slowly whisk the liquid into the roux.
  5. Cook the gravy until thickened, 3-5 minutes.
  6. Taste and season with kosher salt.


  • Making the gravy is optional and only serves to thicken the cooking liquid. The cooking liquid is extremely aromatic and flavorful. Spoon it over the chicken as is if desired.

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