A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Gun Fight

March 15, 2023

Clearing the field for Slotkin, a battle over worker rights (including a potential petition drive) and a homeless GOP. That tops the conversation this week.

Mark and Jeff focus, however, on the drive in Lansing to finally do something about the epidemic of mass shootings. Joining the conversation is pollster Richard Czuba of the Glengariff Group. His recent polling shows overwhelming bipartisan public support for a wide variety of gun safety measures.Czuba has been conducting survey research since 1983. After serving as the advisor to Michigan’s Governor for Research and Planning, overseeing a new brand campaign for the state of Mchigan, and being extensively involved in both political and policy campaigns, he took his extensive experience in public surveying and policy and founded the Glengariff Group, Inc. in 1998. He brings more than three decades of expertise in survey and focus group research, issue management, and strategic planning with all levels of government and public sector organizations.

Also talking about gun safety this week: President Joe Biden.

President Biden announces an Executive Order designed to expand federal expansion of background checks for gun purchases.


This week’s podcast is underwritten in part by EPIC-MRA
EPIC ▪ MRA is a full service survey research firm with expertise in:

• Public Opinion Surveys

• Market Research Studies

• Live Telephone Surveys

• On-Line and Automated Surveys

• Focus Group Research

• Bond Proposals – Millage Campaigns

• Political Campaigns & Consulting

• Ballot Proposals – Issue Advocacy Research

• Community – Media Relations

• Issue – Image Management

• Database Development & List Management


Links to Stories We’re Following This Week