A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

2nd Anniversary Edition (Guest: Corey Dukes)

March 02, 2023

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This weekend marks the beginning of our third year with the podcast. This is show Number 108 since we kicked off our weekly chat with columnist Bill Kristol. Since then, we have had the opportunity to talk with many of the top national and state political leaders, journalists and political operatives. We thank them all, and especially thank our growing cadre of weekly listeners.. 

Elissa Slotkin’s Announcement for Senate – YouTube

We begin the podcast with an update on the race to succeed Debbie Stabenow in the U.S. Senate. We have our first significant official candidate: Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin announced her candidacy at the beginning of the week … and raised more than $1-million in contributions within 24 hours of her well-coordinated announcement. Perhaps just as significant: Republican Congressman John James decided against running, and that seems to open the door even wider for a wacko Q-Anon MAGA election-denier Republican to get the nomination.

The state House Elections Committee held its first hearing this week on a large package of voter rights legislation, focusing on a bill to keep guns out of polling places. As committee chair Penelope Tsernoglou told us on the pod two weeks ago, the entire package of voting rights bills is on the fast track.

But that’s not the case in a lot of states which are actually moving in the opposite direction, making it harder to vote. Joining the conversation is someone working every day for free and fair elections, Corey Dukes. Corey leads Protect Democracy’s State Election Advocacy team along with its efforts to engage and mobilize leaders in civil society. 

During his time at Protect Democracy, Corey has directed the organization’s work engaging with 2020 presidential candidates as well as its work anticipating and responding to the results of the 2020 and 2022 elections across several key states. Previously, Corey served as a senior policy advisor to United States Senator Claire McCaskill, Pennsylvania state director for Hillary for America, and as a senior advisor to Senator Elizabeth Warren. He has also served as a campaign and media consultant focused on engaging communities of color.

Protect Democracy is a cross-ideological non-profit group dedicated to defeating the authoritarian threat, building more resilient democratic institutions, and protecting our freedom and liberal democracy. Its experts and advocates use litigation, legislative and communications strategies, technology, research, and analysis to stand up for free and fair elections, the rule of law, fact-based debate, and a better democracy for future generations.


This week’s podcast is underwritten in part by EPIC-MRA
EPIC ▪ MRA is a full service survey research firm with expertise in:

• Public Opinion Surveys

• Market Research Studies

• Live Telephone Surveys

• On-Line and Automated Surveys

• Focus Group Research

• Bond Proposals – Millage Campaigns

• Political Campaigns & Consulting

• Ballot Proposals – Issue Advocacy Research

• Community – Media Relations

• Issue – Image Management

• Database Development & List Management


Links to Stories We’re Following This Week