A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

“RIP Michigan GOP” (Guest: Senator Kristen McDonald Rivet)

February 22, 2023

Just when we thought Michigan Republicans couldn’t edge further into the chasm of conspiracy theory crazy, the once Grand Old Party bypasses Trump-and-Pillow-Guy endorsed Matt DePerno for party chair because he just wasn’t extreme enough. Jeff offer an R-rated analysis of the current status of his former party under the dubious leadership of the Tin Foil Hat brigade. Meanwhile, the new Democratic majority in the Legislature is moving pedal-to-the-metal speed on issues near-and-dear to the hearts of their core constituency.

One of them: major tax cuts. Joining the conversation is the Senate sponsor of the legislation providing nearly a billion-dollars in tax cuts for working families and retirees, Senator Kristen McDonald Rivet. Just days into her first term in the Michigan Senate, Senator McDonald Rivet is spearheading the expansion of the state’s match of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit from 6 percent to 30 percent. This historic legislation will provide half a billion dollars into Michigan’s local economies annually. 

She brings to the Senate 30 years as an educational and economic policy strategist and executive where she worked to revitalize neighborhoods, increase youth development programs, and address institutional inequities. Prior to her election to the state Senate she served as vice president of Michigan Future, Inc., chief strategy officer for the Michigan Health Improvement Alliance, Bay City Commissioner, and president/CEO of Greater Midland, Inc. She was also a lead architect of Michigan’s birth to five systems of care (Great Start) and its parent organization, the Early Childhood Investment Corporation (ECIC).

McDonald Rivet has a bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University and a master’s degree in education and public administration from the University of Michigan-Flint. She and her husband, Joseph, are proud parents of six children and live in Bay City.


This week’s podcast is underwritten in part by EPIC-MRA
EPIC ▪ MRA is a full service survey research firm with expertise in:

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Links to the stories we’re following

Official Podcast of Michigan Democratic Party