A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Welcome to the Nut House (Guest: AFL CIO President Ron Bieber)

February 15, 2023

The horror of this week at Michigan State University casts a cloud over our state, and especially the campus just five miles east of the Capitol building. It was the 67th mass shooting in the first 46 days of 2023. As we recorded this week’s podcast, a memorial service was gathering in the center of the East Lansing campus in remembrance of Arielle Anderson, Alexander Verner and Brian Fraser … and with prayers for five more students hospitalized at Lansing’s Sparrow Hospital.

Brian Fraser, Alexandria Verner and Arielle Anderson


This week it’s the “Perry for President” (be still, my heart) edition of “A Republic, If You Can Keep It”. Yes, Perry Johnson thinks he’s ready to be America’s Quality Guru in Chief … along with the somewhat more qualified but equally unlikely to win former South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley. Maybe a Perry – Nicki ticket?

Also this week, Michigan Republicans head to their state convention this weekend secure in the knowledge their next chairperson will be an Election Denier. The pre-convention activities begin, appropriately, with a Matt DePerno fundraiser at The Nut House (a sports bar across the street from the convention hall). 

We’re joined this week by President Ron Bieber, who has served at president of the Michigan AFL-CIO since 2015. Bieber joined UAW Local 730 in 1978, after hiring into the General Motors Metal Fabricating plant in Wyoming, Michigan. He was elected to his first union position at the age of 23, and moved up the ranks, being appointed to the UAW International staff in 1992. In 2009, Bieber was promoted as an Administrative Assistant to the UAW President and named the Director of the UAW CAP Department. In this position, his responsibilities included the administration of the Political, Retired Workers and Civil Rights departments of the UAW.

Ron currently serves on the boards of the Economic Alliance of Michigan, the Michigan Association of United Ways, and the Metropolitan Affairs Coalition.

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    This week’s podcast is underwritten in part by EPIC-MRA
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