A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

The Stabenow Surprise

January 05, 2023

In Washington D.C., Republicans are a hot mess – with two former Michigan congressmen waiting in the wings as a possible solution. In Michigan – a political shocker. Even as Democrats take full control of state government, Senator Debbie Stabenow drops a political bombshell.

Michigan politics has been upended by the decision of Senator Stabenow to end a half-century of public service to, in her words, “I intend to begin a new chapter in my life that includes continuing to serve our State outside of elected office while spending precious time with my amazing 96-year-old mom and my wonderful family.”

The Michigan inauguration on January 1 not only launched the Democratic trifecta in Michigan State government, it cemented the prominence of women and minority group members in all the centers of political power within state government. Women are now Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Senate Majority Leader, Chief Justice, House Speaker Pro Tem, and chairs of both the House and Senate Appropriations Committee. Two more top leaders — the Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House — are African Americans, and the two Majority Floor leaders are am Indian-American and Middle East-American. Add to that: eight of Michigan’s 13 members of Congress are women!

In other political news over the last week:


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