A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Recount Tinfoil Hats and Other Insanities

December 08, 2022

Lame ducks, federal subpoenas re: Michigan’s 2020 election, a Supreme Court hearing on ending democratic elections, another court hearing on the lawyers who pushed the BIg Lie in Michigan, a bizarre farewell speech from the top Republican in state government, and a new wrinkle in the Democratic Party’s plans to shift the presidential primary schedule – a shift that could mean even better news for Michigan.

And for the last few days Mark has been in the middle of some of some won’t-change-anything recounts … which are really an effort to shore up the BIg Lie conspiracy theories from 2020.

Jeff Timmer and Mark Brewer sound off on all of these issues … and more

Some links to help you follow all the crazy:


This week’s podcast is underwritten by Practical Political Consulting and EPIC-MRA. We thank them for supporting “A Republic, If You Can Keep It.”