A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

The End of the Beginning – Analyzing the 2022 Mid-term Election

November 10, 2022

It was supposed to be a nationwide Red Wave, but nationally turned into a Pink Drizzle and (in Michigan) a Blue Tsunami. Mark and Jeff analyze an election that

  • Re-elected the Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General
  • Flipped both the state Senate and state House to Democratic majorities
  • Gave overwhelming voter approval to a woman’s right to choose, progressive election reforms and changes in term limits
  • Kept the state’s Supreme Court with a 4-3 Democratic majority

Despite the pre-voting angst,it was a peaceful election with no controversies, no violence and a record turnout for a mid-term election. And just like that, the political calendar flips from 2022 to 2024!