A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

And the Voting Begins (Guest: Tim Miller)

September 28, 2022

Early voting is underway in Michigan. In the race for Governor, Tudor Dixon is finally campaigning, focusing on social wedge issues, but her campaign continues to lack money. She may get some help when the nation’s #1 election denier, Donald Trump, brings his Big Lie Tour to Michigan this weekend to talk about himself and maybe help Tudor and the rest of the Republican statewide ticket.

The polls are saying that, as of now, it could be a Democratic landslide at the top of the ticket in Michigan. With voting underway, these polling numbers are much more significant than before. The most recent come to us via EPIC/MRA. The company’s CEO, Bernie Porn, talks with Mark and Jeff about his latest measure of the electorate..

Then we’re joined by former GOP political consultant Tim Miller. He is best known for his role as communications director for the Jeb Bush 2016 presidential campaign and for being an outspoken Republican critic of former U.S. president Donald Trump.

Miller was an Iowa staffer for John McCain in the 2008 Republican Party presidential primaries, and later served as national press secretary for the Jon Huntsman 2012 presidential campaign. During the Bush campaign, Miller drew notice as a “vocal critic” of Donald Trump.

In 2020, Miller co-founded the advocacy organization Republican Voters Against Trump, which sponsored television and internet advertisements featuring lifelong Republicans explaining their decision to vote for former vice president Joe Biden instead of Trump, and served as its political director. He is now a contributing writer for The Bulwark and ROlling Stone, and a frequent guest commentator on MSNBC and CNN.

Miller recently published the best-selling book Why We Did It: A Travelogue from the Republican Road to Hell.


This week’s podcast is underwritten by Practical Political Consulting and EPIC-MRA. We thank them for supporting “A Republic, If You Can Keep It.”