A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A One-sided Gubernatorial Campaign?

September 07, 2022

Another week, more political turmoil providing mostly bad news for the Michigan GOP:

  • Two petition drives go to the Michigan Supreme Court after Republicans refuse to accept the Reproductive Rights and Voting Rights petitions on seemingly spurious claims;
  • Tudor Dixon’s stealth campaign: no money, no events;
  • Whitmer’s polling lead grows to 13%;
  • The Court of Appeals rules Michigan’s 1931 abortion law unconstitutional;
  • House Democrats Dare Daire;
  • Bipartisan support for stricter gun safety laws in Michigan;
  • Joe Biden returning to Michigan to talk e-powered cars

Mark Brewer and Jeff Timmer hash it all out with some insider information and analysis based on decades in the trenches of partisan politics.

A Tribute to Our Listeners!


This week’s podcast is underwritten by Practical Political Consulting and EPIC-MRA. We thank them for supporting “A Republic, If You Can Keep It.”