A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Polls, Petitions, Lawsuits & Debates (Guests: Emily Lawler, Bernie Porn)

June 02, 2022

In the rapidly developing state political scene —

  • Three frustrated Republican would-be candidates for Governor lose in court
  • The remaining GOP gubernatorial candidates bring a far-right message to the Greater Detroit Chamber of Commerce
  • The GOP opts to bypass voters on petition-drive-generated laws
  • New polling shows minimal support for Betsy DeVos’s latest efforts to take money away from public schools

Joining Mark and Jeff to update us on the latest are pollster Bernie Porn of EPIC-MRA public opinion research’s and Emily Lawler, state government and politics at the Detroit Free Press.


This week’s podcast is underwritten by Practical Political Consulting and EPIC-MRA. We thank them for supporting “A Republic, If You Can Keep It.”