A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Bye bye candidates! (Guests: Bernie Porn, Mike Murphy)

May 25, 2022

A seismic shift in Michigan politics with as many as five would-be Republican gubernatorial candidates facing banishment from the August ballot due to petition signature fraud.

Joining Mark and Jeff this week are two seasoned political savants to shed some light on the sudden end of the James Craig and Perry Johnson campaigns are Michigan pollster Bernie Porn of EPIC-MRA; and Detroit native Mike Murphy who has been a top adviser to dozens of prominent Republican campaigns including those of George W. Bush, John McCain, Christie Todd Whitman, John Engler, Spencer Abraham and Arnold Schwarzenegger. These days, Murphy is a full-time pundit with regular network commentary gigs, and co-hosting the bipartisan political podcast Hacks on Tap with Obama administration veterans David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs.

Mike Murphy (l) & Bernie Porn offer insight into GOP chaos

This week’s podcast is sponsored by
EPIC*MRA, ranked as Michigan’s top public opinion research firm by FiveThirtyEight.com; and,
Practical Political Consulting, the go-to campaign consultants in Michigan for more than 40 years.